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Simple and easy to maintain every day.
One Line a Day.

Just write one line and take a quick look back. By adopting this simple habit, you can leverage the 'awareness' gained from reflecting on your past and apply it to your future actions.

PWA Apps


You can check your status and diary posting logs.

The features of the diary include the number of days logged, the recording rate per month, recent good feeling percentage, an annual feeling chart, and a monthly feeling calendar, which uses natural language processing to analyze emotions.

Review past diaries

Review past diaries

You can reflect on your diary entries from the same day in the past, whether it's a week ago, a month ago, or even a year ago. By examining your feelings from that time and how you've grown since then, you can gain insights that you can apply to your future actions.

You can post one diary entry per day. You can also edit your past diaries.

The AI assistant can now read and provide comments on your diary entries.


Once you become aware of something, jot it down so that you don't forget. Review your notes regularly and use them to guide your future actions.

Notes can be viewed chronologically or pinned to the top of the screen for easy access.

Color themes

Color themes

You can set the theme to your liking.

Upgrade your account to choose from a wider variety of themes (more to come)

Font settings

Font settings

You can set your preferred font style to make your diary easy to read.

You can freely set the font, line spacing, and text size.

User's Voice

  • I feel that the One Line a Day habit embodies the concept of "Connecting the Dots" that Steve Jobs spoke about at the Stanford commencement ceremony. By reviewing my past daily records, I have been able to make new discoveries and apply them to my future actions.

    20's College student

  • Actually, it's great for dieting! I can review my past diets on the main screen and have found some that I'm not very good at. When I'm feeling good, I'm able to lose weight more effectively, and I've made some personal discoveries along the way!

    30's Company employee

  • Even though I am a lazy person and have failed at keeping a diary many times, I find it easy to write just one line and keep a diary every day. I enjoy the feeling of looking back and quickly reading my own history. It motivates me to continue keeping a diary.

    40's Company executive